Friday 27 July 2012

Closet Make-Over

My First Post:  July 27, 2012
Well the kids were away at camp for the week and my husband and I took it upon ourselves to maximize our time by trying to get as many projects around the house done as possible.  
(I have no idea how to blog and am getting totally frustrated, but will persist!)

My Closet Make-Over 
Closet:  Before (but emptied out - too bad)

This is the spare room closet which I use in addition to one of the small closets in the master bedroom.  The closet  is 33" wide and 9'6" tall and is quite deep at 33" as well.  The space was being used really poorly, so I decided to embark on my first "build" project without the help of my husband! The original closet had one bar going across the closet at about 70" or so with one shelf sitting on top.  All the rest was empty, unused space (other than the pile of junk I had piled up on the floor under the hanging clothes.)  Too bad I forgot to take the true "before" picture.  It was like one of those closets from a sitcom or cartoon in which the contents of the closet falls out every time you open the door!  Anyways,  I researched closet make overs and had an idea of what I wanted to do, but had to work up the courage to get started.  I am a project queen, but my husband is always asking how and why "my projects" always become "his projects".  I am so fed up with relying on him to make the cuts and use the wall plugs, etc, that I have decided that I will learn to do these things myself.  What better place to start than a closet, where all of my mistakes and  slips can be hidden behind closed doors.  I must admit that there was some frustration along the way and my husband notes that he has never heard of it taking so long to mount a few boards, but I literally had to learn everything.  I had used many tools before, but my husband would always get the drill bit I needed, find the proper screws, use the wall plugs if needed, etc.  I was determined to complete this project without him and at a minimal expense.  I installed "cleats" (I actually know what those are now!!) to support the three shelves I installed, as well as the double hanging bars.  My husband was going to help set me up with table saw for the shelves,  but he was busy and I was on a mission, so I just measured them out and used the electric jigsaw to cut them.  They may not be perfect, but they seem fine to me - and I did the cuts all by myself!!  I also wanted to incorporate vertical storage up the front sides of the closet to make use of the empty space there.  I purchased pegboard at the Re-store for $5 and cut, primed and painted it white to blend in with the rest of the closet.  I also wanted to use the inside of the door to maximize the space.  One of the things I wanted to include was jewellery storage of some kind.  I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to use, but had a few ideas in mind when I came across an old wooden spoon rack at the thrift store  for $2.50.  It has ended up being my most exciting part of the make-over!

BEFORE:  Old spoon rack
AFTER:  Painted and mounted on door for jewelry storage.
I purchased this antique cheese grater for $3 at The Old House Revival Company (one of my favourite stores) and repurposed it for earring storage.

AFTER:  3 shelves, 2 hanging bars, pegboard vertical storage on both sides of closet (bins were purchased at Dollarama and eyelets were added to back so they could be mounted on the pegs)

You can see the little eyelets added so the baskets won't tear.
It is hard to see, but I also made my first pallet project for this make over….on the bottom left, there is  a simple shoe rack made from an old FREE pallet.

I love Anna White website and got the directions for this simple build from her site.

This is a close-up picture of the pallet shelf.

The whole project was very inexpensive as many of the items were re-used or re-purposed.  Below is an outline of the costs
2 shelves had to be purchased @ $13 each = $26
1 dowling rod for $6
4 X 7 sheet of peg board purchased from the RE-store for $5 (lots left for a future projects too!)
grater $3
spoon rack $2.50
pallet $0
New slim velvet non-slip hangers 68 for $43 (still need about 50 more!)
8 black bins for vertical storage $2 each = $16
peg board hooks and eyelets $13
TOTAL:  $114.50 plus taxes and additional hangers needed

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